How does it work?
Colored carpool lanes correspond to which building the driver will pick up student(s). Review the map and information below to choose the appropriate colored lane for your family. Colored carpool tags are used to help quickly identify which lane/route you are following. Additional carpool tags can be purchased through our school store after receiving the first one (per family) for free.
Morning Drop Off
Families will follow the same route and procedure for both drop off and pick up. Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:40am. An adult will be at the main crosswalk in order to safely supervise car and pedestrian traffic. Please pull as far forward as possible when dropping off. The warning bells will ring at 8:10 am. School begins at 8:15 am.
Afternoon Kindergarten Drop Off
Parents may begin dropping students off at 12:00 pm. Please drop your student off in the yellow carpool lane. Afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:15 pm.
Afternoon Pick Up
Families will follow the same route and procedure for both drop off and pick up. Carpool pick up begins promptly at 3:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12:30pm on Fridays and short days. A driver may choose to arrive closer to 3:45pm when most students have already been picked up. Any students who are not picked up by 4:00pm (1:00pm) will be escorted into the front office to call a parent or guardian. Please Note: each family has a NEWLY assigned carpool number each school year!