Pick Up / Drop Off Procedure

All vehicles on campus must follow directives given by carpool staff for the safety of all people. 

Vehicles should be especially cautious near crosswalks and intersections.


How does it work?

Colored carpool lanes correspond to which building the driver will pick up student(s). Review the map and information below to choose the appropriate colored lane for your family. Colored carpool tags are used to help quickly identify which lane/route you are following. Additional carpool tags can be purchased through our school store after receiving the first one (per family) for free.

Morning Drop Off

Families will follow the same route and procedure for both drop off and pick up. Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:40am. An adult will be at the main crosswalk in order to safely supervise car and pedestrian traffic. Please pull as far forward as possible when dropping off. The warning bells will ring at 8:10 am. School begins at 8:15 am.

Afternoon Kindergarten Drop Off

Parents may begin dropping students off at 12:00  pm. Please drop your student off in the yellow carpool lane. Afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:15  pm.

Afternoon Pick Up

Families will follow the same route and procedure for both drop off and pick up. Carpool pick up begins promptly at 3:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12:30pm on Fridays and short days.  A driver may choose to arrive closer to 3:45pm when most students have already been picked up. Any students who are not picked up by 4:00pm (1:00pm) will be escorted into the front office to call a parent or guardian. Please Note: each family has a NEWLY assigned carpool number each school year!


Colored Lanes

Colored carpool lanes correspond to which building the driver will pick up student(s). Each entrance lane is marked with large colored arrows. Additional colored markings will guide drivers through the carpool process. Please follow the lane toward its designated pick up area. The pick up curb will be colored to correspond with pick up lanes. All students must be picked up on their designated carpool curb. Students will not be allowed to enter the parking lot, or leave campus without an adult escorting them. Excelsior employees, as well as strategically placed traffic cones, will be in place to ensure student safety during pick up. Drivers are expected to follow directions given by carpool staff and obey all traffic laws. Any communication with staff must be done in a polite and professional tone.

Yellow Lane

Primarily used for families with a kindergartener

Families with a yellow carpool assignment will enter the parking lot in the middle driveway between the buildings in the far right (west) lane. Cars will stay in their lane as they drive toward the back of the campus between the buildings. Cars will then follow the lane, indicated by the colored arrows, around the greenspace behind the elementary building and then head north towards Erda Way. Once cars reach the front of the building they will turn right (east) on the curb closest to the elementary building, moving all the way forward as directed by staff. Do not leave large gaps between vehicles, regardless of where your student is waiting. Once you have your student/s safely in your vehicle, check for traffic in the through lane and exit the loading zone. Cars will exit the parking lot by following the through lane to the north side of the elementary parking lot. There are two lanes that allow cars to turn right (west) or left (east)onto Erda Way. The left lane is for left turns only, and the right lane is for right turns only.

Green Lane

Primarily used for families with 1st-3rd graders

Families with a green carpool assignment will enter the parking lot in the middle driveway between the buildings in the middle lane. Cars will stay in their lane as they drive toward the back of the campus between the buildings. Cars will then follow their lane, indicated by the colored arrows, around the greenspace behind the elementary building and then head north toward Erda Way. Once cars reach the front of the building they will turn right (east) next to the curb on the island in front of the elementary school, moving all the way forward as directed by staff. Do not leave large gaps between vehicles, regardless of where your student is waiting. Once you have your student/s safely in your vehicle, check for traffic in the through lane and exit the loading zone. Cars will exit the parking lot by following the through lane to the north side of the elementary parking lot. There are two lanes that allow cars to turn right (west) or left (east) onto Erda Way. The left lane is for left turns only, and the right lane is for right turns only.

Blue Lane

Primarily used for families with 4th-5th graders or students in both buildings

Families with a blue carpool assignment will enter the parking lot at the east entrance in either the middle or left (east) lane. Cars will stay in their lane as they drive toward the back of the campus. At the southeast corner of campus, cars will merge every other car into one lane that travels behind the middle school greenspace. Cars will follow the arrows in their lane until they arrive at a blue line at the back southwest corner of the middle school building. Cars will wait at that point until an instructor invites them to drive toward the front of the middle school building where they will turn right (east) into the loading zone painted blue. Cars will move all the way forward as directed by staff. Do not leave large gaps between vehicles, regardless of where your student is waiting. Once you have your student/s safely in your vehicle, check for traffic in the through lane and exit the loading zone. Cars will exit the parking lot by following the through lane to the north side of the middle school parking lot. There are two lanes that merge into a right turn only before heading east onto Erda Way.

Red Lane

Families with middle school students only

Families with a red carpool assignment will enter the parking lot at the east entrance in the far right (west) lane. Cars will stay in their lane as they drive around the back of the middle school. Cars will follow the arrows in their lane until they arrive at the red curb on the west side of the middle school building. Cars will move all the way forward as directed by staff. Do not leave large gaps between vehicles, regardless of where your student is waiting. Once you have your student/s safely in your vehicle, check for traffic in the through lane and exit the loading zone. Cars who wish to go left (west) on Erda Way will turn on their left turn signal and wait in front of the crosswalk in the through lane for a staff member to escort them through traffic and into the left lane that heads west in front of the elementary building. Cars who wish to go left (east) on Erda Way will turn east into the through lane in front of the middle school building and follow the lane to the north side of the middle school parking lot. There are two lanes that merge into a right turn only before heading left (east) onto Erda Way.





If you would like to help with carpool or have questions, please contact Mrs. S Broadbent at sbroadbent@eautah.org.