Family School Organization (FSO)

The FSO is made up of volunteer family and community members that plan, support, and carry out many events at Excelsior Academy.  

Throughout the school year, FSO members send out emails with opportunities to volunteer for events and activities. 

To volunteer in the classroom, reach out to your student's teacher!

Elementary Teachers  |  Middle School Teachers

Interested in joining our FSO?

Email Joy Hinton  (, or Leah Adair (, and an FSO representative will contact you!

Excelsior Events 

AugustBack-to-School Party
Red backpacks (once a year project)
SeptemberParent-teacher conference dinner
NovemberVeterans Day assembly
JanuaryLiteracy night
8th grade Winter Ball
FebruaryParent-teacher conference dinner
March7th grade dance
RISE testing preparation
AprilWalkathon (elementary)
6th grade game party
Staff appreciation
MayElementary field day
Middle school field day
8th grade graduation